Exim4 slow to initial response on SMTP connection


There are several reasons for this problem happen, like TLS, network, etc.

But this is a tip for emergence. If you for example try telnet email_server email_smtp_port (25,465 or 587 in general) on local network and Exim has an quickly response, but when you try the same command on external network and got a delay of 20 to 40 seconds to get initial server mail answer, please check your configuration an set dc_minimaldns to ‘true’

On Debian using spitted Exim4 configuration files, it can be done on /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf.

Just add or change the option to dc_minimaldns=’true’

Do not forget to reload Exim4 configuration and regenerate any configuration file if required. If this change solve the problem, now you can hold your email server working while now you have time to understand the real reason of the problem and solve it, restore your initial configuration.


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