
Difference between libraries, wrappers, toolkits, frameworks and clients

Libraries: Expose classes and functions allowing to build applications at a higher level of programming; Wrappers: act as an interface between its caller and the wrapped code; Toolkits: more modular and easily integrated into a custom application; Frameworks: A reusable Continue reading Difference between libraries, wrappers, toolkits, frameworks and clients

Machine Learning – Traditional model building process

Identify the ML problem type: Regression, Classification or Time-Series Specify the data source and format of the labelled training data Choose your target variable or what you want to predict Train & Evaluate 100s of Machine Learning algorithms* Deploy, make Continue reading Machine Learning – Traditional model building process

Edgar F. Codd’s original paper on RDBs – A relational model of data for large shared data banks

Abaixo acesso a cópia do estudo/proposta (paper) inicial sobre banco de dados e o modelo relacional. Edgar Frank Codd foi um matemático britânico. Desenvolveu o modelo de banco de dados relacional, quando era pesquisador no laboratório da IBM em San José. Continue reading Edgar F. Codd’s original paper on RDBs – A relational model of data for large shared data banks

Exim4 slow to initial response on SMTP connection

There are several reasons for this problem happen, like TLS, network, etc. But this is a tip for emergence. If you for example try telnet email_server email_smtp_port (25,465 or 587 in general) on local network and Exim has an quickly response, but when Continue reading Exim4 slow to initial response on SMTP connection

[English Required] Palestra super divertida sobre Angular 1.x

Se você quer ampliar ou testar seus conhecimentos sobre Angular.js 1.x e ainda se divertir, recomendamos assistir esta rápida palestra de 16 minutos que passarão mais rápido do que você pode imaginar, afinal, se divertirá e conhecerá mais sobre este Continue reading [English Required] Palestra super divertida sobre Angular 1.x